
Matthijs Muller

Group-show: Water from the company, shopwindows, Den Helder (NL).
Due to its location, for centuries the city of Den Helder used to be the main port of Dutch military. But after the end of the cold war, the military moved out.
The number of inhabitants shrunk notably. Poverty and unemployment became a common problem. Therefore the city centre has many empty shops and is about to be reorganized.
Installation: Waterbottle, water, wood, electronics, motor, video-loop 2min57sec HD, player, monitor.
A waterbottle in the size you normally don’t have at home is laying on a plate on the top of a triangular shaped sort of pedestal.
The pedestal contains a mechanism that makes the bottle roll smoothly: cap up-bottom-up, making the water move constantly in the bottle in a wave from left to right, and back.
At some distance a monitor shows a video of an image of a mountainous landscape. A finger pushes the image around, from left to right and back, more or less in synch with the bottle.